To be able to provide appropriate care, I will need some preliminary information prior to your appointment. A thorough health history will be taken during your initial assessment. Please click the link below, fill out the form, email me and we will find the right time to book you in.

How to Book

Medical History Form
Email for more information
Please click here to download our Medical History Form and have it filled out and bring it to your first appointment.
This will give us more time to focus on providing the care your feet need, rather than spending our time delving into your health history.
Not sure if Nursing Foot Care is what you need? Tickelish feet, odd toes, sensitive feet, wary if foot care can be provided? Conservative proper foot care may be the answer you've been looking for.
Please click here to email your questions. I will be happy to respond to the best of my ability, aiming to provide you with the answers you need.
*Please allow 24-48 hrs for a response to your email.
an Appointment